Spelling Bee

Our purpose is to help students improve their spelling, increase their vocabulary, learn concepts, and develop correct English usage. Students will work in teams to spell words, take turns calling out letters to correctly spell words, and earn points for each correctly spelled word.

Winning List

105 academic year


NO.1Department of International Business 1A凃O新


Department of International Business 1A蔡O如
Department of International Business 1B李O庭
NO.2Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B劉O庭
Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B葉O薪
Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B王O人
NO.3Department of Financial and Economic Law 2A陳O容
Department of Financial and Economic Law 2A許O語
Department of Financial and Economic Law 2B王O文
NO.4Department of Financial and Economic Law 1B吳O凌
Department of Financial and Economic Law 1B陳O妤
Department of Financial and Economic Law 1B廖O翊
NO.5Department of Electrical Engineering 1A王O惠
Department of Electrical Engineering 1A 許O淳
Department of Electrical Engineering 1A 李O

104 academic year


NO.1Department of Electrical Engineering 2B茅O強(VIDEO)
Department of Electrical Engineering 2B李O豐
 Department of Electrical Engineering 1A洪O民
NO.2Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B陳O亞
Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B陳O兒
Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B廖O鈺
NO.3Department of Chemical Engineering 2A吳O琳
Department of Chemical Engineering 1A張O哲
Department of Chemical Engineering 2A楊O絜
NO.4Department of Interior Design張O語
Department of Interior Design李O麗
Department of Interior Design王O鑫
NO.5Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B方O琳
Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B張O維
Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies 2B安O璇
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