


Department introduction

語言中心隸屬應用外國語文學系,置有主任、助理及助教,師資計有專任中、外籍教師9位及兼任教師  46位,為一兼具教學、行政與服務之單位。辦公室座落於全人村五樓。本中心設立的目標在加強提昇學生的外語文應用能力,並藉著通識化的教材培養學生的人文素養,拓展其國際觀。(SDGs 4 : 優質教育)


本中心於99學年度,已開設日、德、法外語課程,未來也將陸續開授其它外語;在英語學習活動方面,每年舉辦全校英語演講比賽、拼字大賽、朗讀比賽及戲劇比賽,藉以營造學生課外學習機會與環境,期能提高其學習動機與效果。另於每週一到五,每天4~5小時,開設「英語學習諮商室」,由專兼任老師輪值,幫助學生隨時解決英語問題。在口語練習及寫作技巧方面,開設每週8小時的「English Corner」及每週兩天的「英文寫作諮商服務」,邀請專業外籍老師擔任指導者,幫助學生充實英語寫作及撰寫報告之能力。

The Language Center was established in 1972 and is part of the Department of Applied Linguistics and Language Studies at Chung Yuan Christian University(CYCU).The Center offers foreign language courses to both undergraduate and graduate students at CYCU.

  • For college freshman, the Language Center provides Freshman English and Listening & Speaking classes in the lab.
  • For second-year students, the Center offers Sophomore English and a variety of second foreign language courses as elective courses, including French, German, Korean, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese, and Japanese.
  • For non-English majors, the Center offers courses on advanced writing and advanced conversation.
  • For the Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Applied Science, and Graduate School of Business, the Center offers, technical writing and business courses that have been especially designed for these schools. These courses are very popular and in high demand.

  To further engage the interest and enthusiasm of CYCU students, the Center sponsors four school-wide contests each year: English Speech, English Recitation, English Drama, and an English Spelling  Bee. Additionally, the Center offers English Corners, Writing Clinics, and an English Consultation Room for students with difficulty in learning English. Also, throughout the academic year, the Center holds various workshops on studying abroad, English resume writing, research paper writing, and presentation skill training.

Mission Statement

  1. We will create an environment, that is accessible, comfortable, and productive.
  2. We will help students improve their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills for academic and professional purposes.
  3. We will help students understand and practice many learning strategies for accomplishing the ultimate goal of communicating effectively.


  The main goal of the Language Center is to refine students’ communication skills including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.The second goal is to enrich students’ appreciation of cultures around the world. The Language Center also plays an important role by providing certificate-based programs, including TOEIC, TOEFL, GEPT, and IELTS. (SDGs Goal 4: Quality education )

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